5 Reasons You Should Use Paint Protection Film

Protect your vehicle investment and keep your car looking like new for years to come with paint protection film. There are five main reasons you should use paint protection film on your car.

    • Protects. With all the construction, ongoing on I-75, flying debris increases when cruising the highway. Road debris can be damaging to your paint exterior. With our Clear-Bra Paint Protection Film you can say good-bye to damage caused from sun exposure, severe weather conditions, debris, gravel, rocks and insects.

sarasota paint protection film

    • It’s Not Noticeable. Unlike the leather or vinyl bra protectors, that you must remove before every car wash, our Clear-Bra paint protection film is a high gloss, clear, and invisible urethane film. Protecting your paint finish without covering it up.
    • It’s Tough. Clear urethane protection film was developed by the U.S. Military and has been used to protect military vehicles in areas with gravel and rocks since the Vietnam War. Per wrapworks.com, the film was originally designed to protect helicopter blades from airborne debris. Because the blades were too expensive to replace, this clear film was designed to protect the blades. The film proved successful at protecting against damage from dust during Operation Desert Storm in the 1990s. While in the early 1980s race car drivers utilized the clear protective film on their vehicles to protect against dust and gravel from tracks and off-road races.
    • Custom Installation. While clear bra film is offered in a pre-cut computer designed kit to DIY; a custom installation will offer better protection. Custom is more expensive because of the labor involved, but it will provide a better fit due to having a highly skilled technician cut and design your film specifically for your vehicle. This allows for more precision around edges and oddly shaped vehicle surfaces. A custom installation provides a smoother, seamless look with more extensive coverage.
  • Warranty. We protect your film with a multiple-year warranty that our competitors won’t provide.

Our paint protection film will stay on your car without being noticed to protect your finish and maintain your car’s resale value. There is no additional maintenance required, and you can remove the film later without any damage done to your vehicle. Maintain your paint finish and contact 2zero Car Studio at (941) 210-5400 to receive your paint protection film quote today.

FL Paint Protection Film | Sarasota Auto Detailing

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